New fellows

(Image: La linea della Palma, Studio Roma 2014/2015. Photo by OKNO Studio)
The Board of Istituto Svizzero in Rome appointed, after a public competition, six artists and six researchers for a residence of ten months within the project Studio Roma.
The participants of 2016/2017 Studio Roma edition are:
BEAUDEMONT Pauline (1983), visual arts, Geneva
CLALÜNA Tumasch (1980), theater: direction and screenwriting, music, Basel
CRAMATTE Cédric (1979), archaeology, University of Lausanne
FALK Francesca (1977), contemporary history, University of Freiburg
GLOWINSKI Donald (1977), music and neuroscience, University of Geneva
GLUHOVS Edgars (1980), visual arts, Zurich
HALITI Nelly (1987), visual arts, Martigny
HEISE Andreas (1982), philosophy, Institut Jean Nicod, Parigi
HOFMANN Leo (1986), composition, sound art, Zurich
INGOLD Lukas (1985), architecture, ETH Zurich
LUGINBÜHL Josy Martina (1987), archaeology, University of Bern
TAMPON-LAJARRIETTE Marion (1982), visual arts, Geneva