The three – days walk is coming! Please check the program below and some directions.
Friday, March 18th, 10 a.m.
Meeting Point: Constantin Arch, where once Meta Sudans was located.
Be aware that there is a public transportation strike due on Friday, hence be organized in advance to get there on time.
Lunch: bring your own food
Dinner and Night: ARPJ Tetto Onlus
Lungotevere Dante 5 (MAPPA)
(Metro B Basilicata San Paolo + 15 min walk)
Saturday, March 19th, 9 a.m.
Meeting Point: ARPJ Tetto Onlus
(Metro B Basilicata San Paolo + 15 min walk)
We will leave from here at 10 a.m.
Lunch: bring your own food
Night: we will sleep at castello della Cecchignola, Vicolo della Cecchignoletta 14 (MAPPA)
During the dinner, Architect Dario Del Bufalo will talk about “Marmi della Roma Imperiale. Usi e riusi” (Marbles of Imperial Rome. Uses and Reuses).
Sunday, March 20th, 9 a.m.
Meeting Point: castello della Cecchignola, Vicolo della Cecchignoletta 14
(Metro B ’til Laurentina + Bus 763, 702, 772)
Communication: as a common communication system we have Telegram App.
Please download the app on your mobile device from you App Store (Apple or Android), register and then go to the following link:
In this way you will be automatically integrated in the group and updated in realtime
Here you find the map where you may see the route of the walk:
Trash: in order to organize the trash issue once we continue the walk, we suggest to bring with you a glass and a small bottle to be filled at any Rome fountain and personal fork/knife… for eating.
Participation in the walk is on individual basis, therefore it relieves the Swiss Institute and Stalker to any responsability along the walk. At the start you will be asked to sign a releasing form.
To bring with you: comfy cloths, adjustable for rainy weather. If you’d like: flashlights, extension cords / adapters, etc. pencils…
Most important a good spirit of adaptability and collaboration, willingness to embrace every possible stumbling; the path is not tracked but will be in the making. We are always easily to reach: you may at anytime leave and come back
We look forward to walk together with you!