Visual arts
Niku Alex Muçaj (1979, Fier/Albania; lives and works in Basel). Muçaj studied until 2012 at the Institut Hyperwerk of the Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst of Basel. His works have been shown at the Biennale di Architettura di Venezia (2012; 2014), Tirana Ekspres (2012), Kunst Raum Riehen (2012), Culturescapes (2013).
In his activities he mainly comes to terms with social processes and systems; public space and social interaction that happens there are important concerns. He tries to explore artistic and creative strategies in relation to public space, in both the physical and the abstract dimensions. He works on multiple levels with concepts of transdisciplinary creativity, and for the concrete application of those concepts. Niku Alex Muçaj is co-founder of MAT (Media Art Tirana) and a partner of “Transbazar`s Laboratory Albania”.