Born in Trieste in 1937, he has taught at various universities in Italy and in Germany. He has concentrated on the history of the labor movement and industrial society, taking part in the founding of the magazine Classe operaia and founding and directing the magazine Primo Maggio. Expelled from the universities, he chose to work as a consultant, and in this capacity was coordinator of the goods section of the General Plan of Transport and Logistics (1998-2000), a member of the Committee of Experts for the National Logistics Plan (2010-2012), and an expert of CNEL on problems of shipping and ports. With Andrea Fumagalli he edited the book Il lavoro autonomo di seconda generazione (Feltrinelli 1997). His recent publications include: Ceti medi senza futuro? Scritti, appunti sul lavoro e altro (Derive Approdi 2007); Le multinazionali del mare. Letture sul sistema marittimo-portuale (EGEA 2010); with Dario Banfi, Vita da freelance. I lavoratori della conoscenza e il loro futuro (Feltrinelli 2011) Banche e crisi (Derive Approdi 2013). He is an active member of the Associazione Consulenti Terziario Avanzato (ACTA).