Maria Thereza Alves

Maria Thereza Alves, born in 1961 in Brazil, is an artist whose work questions the social circumstances we take for granted and looks at how we identify ourselves, and the things around us. In the 1980s, Alves co-founded the Green Party of Brazil. She has worked in the Pantanal swamps of Brazil, the mountain village of Matsunoyama in Japan, the industrialized mega-port of Guangzhou in… [read more]
Martin Benninghoff

Researcher and teacher at the Political and Social Sciences Department, University of Lausanne. He focuses on research policy and higher education, as well as social studies on sciences.
Sergio Bologna

Born in Trieste in 1937, he has taught at various universities in Italy and in Germany. He has concentrated on the history of the labor movement and industrial society, taking part in the founding of the magazine Classe operaia and founding and directing the magazine Primo Maggio. Expelled from the universities, he chose to work as a consultant, and in this capacity was… [read more]
Alain Bovet

Associated to CEMS (Parigi) and researcher at the ETHZ (Zurich). He works at the Social and Economics Sciences Department on themes such media sociology, public issues sociology, ethnomethodology, conversation analysis, sociology of sciences, and public spaces ethnography.
Iain Chambers

Iain Chambers is Professor of Cultural and Postcolonial Studies at the Università L’Orientale in Naples where he is also President of the Centre for Postcolonial and Gender Studies. He is in charge of project MeLa*: European Museums in an Age of Migrations. Among his English publications are: Mediterranean Crossings: The Politics of an Interrupted Modernity (2008), Culture… [read more]
Jean-François Chevrier

Art critic, curator and professor of Contemporary Art History since 1988 at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts of Paris. Consultant for Documenta X (1997), founder and editor-in-chief of the magazine Photographies (1982-1985), and curator of many international exhibitions, including: Walker Evans and Dan Graham (Rotterdam, Marseille… [read more]
Lidia Curti

Lidia Curti is Honorary Professor of English Literature at Uni- versità L’Orientale in Naples. She has published studies on Shakespeare and the contemporary anglophone theatre, on feminist and postcolonial thought and on women’s literature of the migration to Italy. Among her books: Female Stories, Female Bodies (1998), La voce dell’altra (2006), The Postcolonial… [read more]
Giairo Daghini

Giairo Daghini was part of the italian Workerist movement. In the 1960s he studied philosophy in Milan with Enzo Paci. After moving to Paris, he created Change International with Felix Guattari and Nanni Balestrini. He taught at University of Geneva, where he founded and directed FACES. He wrote many essays as researcher-philosopher of the city, collected in the book S’emparer… [read more]
Tonino De Bernardi

An internationally acclaimed Italian director. He took a degree in History of Music at the University of Turin, and in 1967 became part of the Cooperativa Cinema Indipendente. Contaminated by life and utopia since 1966, when he made underground 8mm and super8 works, his projects concentrate on the tensions and enthusiasms of affective relationships, and the places in which they exist.
His… [read more]
Natacha de Oliveira

Natacha de Oliveira (1989, São Paulo, Brasil) received a bachelor degree of literature and aesthetics at the New School University in New York City (2013). Interested in the fragmented nature of memory and how it lends itself to disparate synesthetic responses. Her work takes form through watercolor, photography and performance. In the past she has worked as an artist assistant and… [read more]
G. e M. De Serio

Twins, directors and artists, Gianluca e Massimiliano De Serio work together since 1999. They have produced many short films and documentaries for which they have been nominated for, and won, many awards in national and international film festivals.
The protagonists of their works are uprooted identities, grappling with continuous redefinition of the self, or… [read more]
Angelo Del Boca

Previously professor of Contemporary History at the University of Turin, he is an internationally renowned writer and journalist, with two honorary degrees from the University of Lucerne and the University of Turin. His research on the truth about the crimes committed by Italians in Africa led him to introduce the field of study on Italian colonialism, in which he remains the most… [read more]
Corinne Diserens

Born in Geneva, Corinne Diserens studied art history at Université Panthéon Sorbonne Paris 1, and was Fellow at the Whitney Museum of American Art, Independent Study Program (New York). She first worked as a curator at the IVAM-Instituto Valenciano de Arte Moderno, Centre Julio Gonzales in Valencia and was director of the Musée de Marseille (1996–1999), the Musée des Beaux–Arts… [read more]
Thea Djordjadze

Thea Djordjadze, born in 1971 in Tblisi, Georgia, lives in Berlin. After studying at Academia of Arts in Tblisi and the Gerrit Rietveld Akademie in Amsterdam, she compiled her studies at Staatliche Kunstakademie Düsseldorf with Professors Rosemarie Trockel and Dieter Krieg. She has been a member of the artist group hobbypopMUSEUM, an artist-run space in Düsseldorf. She has had solo exhibitions… [read more]
Billy Ehn

Professor Emeritus of Ethnology in the Department of Culture and Media Studies at Umeå University. He concentrates on ethnographic research and cultural studies, working widely on the themes of immigration and ethnicity, work and leisure time, socialization and academic culture.
His essays include Doing-it-yourself. Autoethnography of manual… [read more]
Elena Esposito

Professor of Sociology of Communication at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. After having taken a doctorate under the guidance of Niklas Luhmann at Bielefeld Universität, she is considered one of the leading representatives of the theories of systems in sociology. She has taught and conducted research at well-known European institutions, including the Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung… [read more]
Peter Friedl

Born in 1960, is an artist working in situ. His work has been exhibited internationally in venues such as documenta X (1997), and documenta 12 (2007), the 48th Venice Biennale, 3rd Berlin Biennial for Contemporary Art (2004), Manifesta 7, Trento (2008), the 7th Gwangju Biennale (2008), the 28th Bienal de São Paulo (2008), La Triennale, Paris (2012), and recently the… [read more]
Mia Fuller

Professor of Italian Studies at the University of California, Berkeley, and presently visiting professor at Stanford University with the seminar “Italy, France, and Postcolonialism”. She is a cultural anthropologist who in her studies on architecture and urban planning in the Italian colonies combines field and archival research.
Her monograph Modern… [read more]
Anne Julie Gottschalk

PhD at the Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences (Luzern). Sociology of art and media sociology are among her interests. By eikones NFS Bildkritik/NCCR Iconic Criticism she carries out a research on visual semantic.
Michael Hagner

Michael Hagner, born in 1960, is professor of Science Studies at the Department of Humanities, Social and Political Sciences at ETH Zurich. His research focuses on history of brain’s research, the role of imagines in the scientific research and recently on the history of book in the science.
After studied Medicine and Philosophy at the Freie Universität Berlin, he worked there… [read more]
Helmut Holzapfel

Helmut Holzapfel was born in 1950. A civil engineer, scholar of transport and urban planning, since 1993 he has been a professor at the Department of Architecture, Urban Planning and Landscape of the University of Kassel, where he was faculty dean from 2005 to 2008. His is the co-editor of the journal World Transport Policy and Practice and a member of the steering committee of the… [read more]
Judith Kakon
Judith Kakon (1988, Basel, CH) received her BFA from Bezalel Academy in Jerusalem (2013) and is currently a Bard MFA candidate in New York, USA. Her first exhibitions and projects were hosted by venues such as Taylor Macklin, CH (2015), Kunsthaus Glarus, CH (2015), Kunsthaus Baselland, CH (2014), Herzliya Museum, IL (2014) and MoBY Bat Yam Museums, IL (2013). In the past she has worked as… [read more]
Yaël Kreplak

Associated to CEMS (Parigi) and post-doc at EHESS (Paris). Her work deals with conversation analysis, ethnomethodology, sociology of art, ethnography of artistic practices, pragmatist aesthetics, and social sciences from a pragmatic perspective. She collaborates with National Museum of Modern Art – Centre George Pompidou and Quai Branly Museum (Paris).
Latifa Laâbissi

Choreographic works, installations, lecture demonstrations, pluridisciplinary collaborations: mixing genres, reflecting upon and redefining formats, Latifa Laâbissi’s work seeks to bring onstage multiple offstage perspectives; an anthropological landscape in which stories, figures and voices are placed and highlighted. Dance “codes” are disturbed by recalcitrant bodies, alternative… [read more]
Xavier Le Roy

Xavier Le Roy holds a doctorate in molecular biology from the University of Montpellier, France, and has worked as a dancer and choreographer since 1991. From 1996 to 2003, he was artist-in-residence at the Podewil in Berlin. In 2007-2008 he was “Associated Artist” at Centre Chorégraphique National de Montpellier, France. In 2010 Le Roy is an Artist in Residence fellow at the MIT… [read more]
LP Company

(L)aurent Schlittler, writer, and (P)atrick Claudet, scenarist, share the passion for music by the means of book, on line platform, digital discs, conferences-performances, live exhibitions and films. They pursue the scouting of «Hidden Treasures of Underground Music».
Miltos Manetas

A painter of Greek origin, a conceptual artist and theorist, his work explores the representation and aesthetics of the information society. Manetas is the founder of the artistic movement NEEN, one of the pioneers of “machinimas” (machine animation) and an instigator of Internet Art.
In 2009 he created the Internet Pavilion for the Venice Biennale, and from… [read more]
Christian Marazzi

Christian Marazzi was born in Lugano in 1951. An economist, he has taught at the universities of Padua, Lausanne and Geneva, and at the State University of New York. He is a professor in charge of social research at the Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana (SUPSI). He has conducted research at the Istituto ricerche economiche (IRE) of Lugano, and has been an active member… [read more]
Sandro Mezzadra

Sandro Mezzadra is a professor of Political Philosophy at the University of Bologna. His research work has focused at length on the relationship between globalization, migrations, citizenship and transformations of labour, in dialogue with postcolonial studies. With Brett Neilson he has taken part in the transnational research project Transit Labour. Creative Labour and Social… [read more]
Brett Neilson

Brett Neilson is a professor at the Institute for Culture and Society of the University of Western Sydney. He has contributed to original studies on globalization, with particular emphasis on the social and cultural dimension, through a vast range of themes like migration and transnational movements, the proliferation of borders and the transformations of labour. He is presently working… [read more]
Karen Pinkus

Professor of Italian Literature and Comparative Literature at Cornell University (New York), faculty fellow of the Atkinson Center for a Sustainable Future and member of the Climate Change Focus Group. Her intense research activity has crossed different fields of study: from the role of labor, automation and repetition in Italian design, art and of the 1960s,… [read more]
Valeria Pinto

Professor of Theoretical Philosophy and Philosophy of Religion at the University of Naples “Federico II”. A genealogical analysis of systems of knowledge management in the frame of technology of power and technology of the self recently came into her research area of interest. She is chair of the Society for Governmental Studies.
Catherine Quéloz

Catherine Quéloz, professor in History and theory of art and Cultural Studies is specialized in conceptual discursive and interventionist art practices informed by gender and postcolonial issues. She is Honorary Professor of Haute école d’art et design (HEAD) Geneva. Initiator of a Curatorial Programme (1987), she is the cofounder in 2000, together with Liliane Schneiter, of CCC Research-Based… [read more]
Franz Schultheis

Franz Schultheis is professor of sociology at the University of St.Gallen. He is president of the Bourdieu Foundation and member of the Swiss Science and Innovation Council. His research activities combine sociology of art and cultural practice, social structure and poverty.

Stalker is a collective subject, found in 1995, that engages research and actions within the landscape with particular attention to the areas around the city’s margins and forgotten urban space, and abandoned areas or regions under transformation that are referred to here as “Actual Territories.”
Stalker promotes interventions based on the spatial practices of exploration, listening,… [read more]
Tina Sturm

Tina Sturm is a research assistant and lecturer at the Institute of Sociology at the University of St.Gallen. She has been working together with Prof. Franz Schultheis, Stephan Egger, Thomas Mazzurana and Erwin Single on several sociology of art projects on the economisation of symbolical goods and the ethnography of Art Basel. Beside her research in sociology of art she is working… [read more]
Gunther Teubner

A jurist and sociologist of German law, member of the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. He has taught in the most prestigious European institutions, like the University of Frankfurt, the European Institute of Florence and the London School of Economics, where he held the Otto Kahn Freund Chair.
He has been a visiting professor at Berkeley, Ann Arbor, Stanford, Toronto,… [read more]
Barbara Trincone

Born in 1971, lives and works in Naples. An architect with a doctorate on the theme of Phenomenology of Urban Settlements, better known as the phenomena of the “diffuse city” in the Italian context.
After taking a managerial masters in Logistics and Freight Transport, she worked as project manager on European and international initiatives with companies, port authorities and the University… [read more]
Peter Utz

Professor of German Literature at the Department of Literature of the University of Lausanne. Specialized in the work of Robert Walser, he has worked at length on the publication of a critical essay on this author, with the title Tanz auf den Rändern: Robert Walsers “Jetztzeitstil” (Suhrkamp, 1998), later translated into French as Robert Walser:… [read more]
Paolo Virno

A philosopher, he has taught Ethics of Communication at the University of Calabria, and is now a professor of Philosophy of Language at the Roma Tre University. Starting in the 1970s, he has contributed to many publications on radical political theory and philosophy, including “Metropoli”, “Luogo comune”, “Futur Antérieur”, “Derive Approdi”, “Forme di vita”.
He… [read more]
Olivier Voirol

Senior Lecturer at the University of Lausanne, he collaborates with the Institute for Social Research in Frankfurt. His work deals with critical theory of communication, drawing upon the intertwining of public space and media.
Christophe Wavelet

A former performer, Christophe Wavelet has co-directed the activities of the Knust Project, a performance collective (1993-2001) focusing on artistic re- enactments, and appropiations, as well as the publication of the French political journal Vacarme (1996-2000). He has collaborated to numerous international manifestations and exhibitions, conferences and publications, both as… [read more]